Light does matter
Make your brand stand out
It is difficult to develop a modern brand, but it is even more difficult and interesting to create an animated brand
The name SpectorLAB contains the main principle of the company - work (from Latin - labor). At the same time, Lab is a laboratory, labor, search, experiment. Company was founded in order to work at full capacity and go our own way in the many-sided world of lighting design, to find a common language with those who are interested in new ideas, who appreciate true professionalism and independent thinking. Make for us modern brand + website? Sure!
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"Lighting design work is like painting a picture, but with paint called light on a black canvas called darkness. The lighting designer's mission is to come up with ideas on how to illuminate our modern nightscapes filled with light, pollution in a more beautiful, convenient and efficient way, and then accurately and quickly recreate this reality", Yakov Spector, managing partner.
Terms: 24 weeks
Number of released files: 412
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Developing a modern brand is challenging, but creating an animated brand takes it to a whole new level of difficulty and excitement. An animated brand requires detailed planning and execution to make sure that the character or object being animated perfectly captures the essence of the brand. This means a deep understanding of the brand's values, mission, and audience, along with technical expertise in animation tools and techniques. An animated brand can be a powerful marketing tool, bringing the brand to life and engaging consumers in a unique and memorable way.
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